Holi, also known as the Festival of Colors, is a popular Hindu festival celebrated across India and other parts of the world. It is a time for friends and family to come together, play with colors, and enjoy traditional food, music and dance. However, for many professionals, taking time off work to celebrate Holi can be a challenge as Holi is not a national holiday in India. That’s where Holi Out of Office Message comes in.

Colorful powders flying in the air, people dancing and celebrating, after setting up their Holi Out Of Office message.

Many working professionals in India involve taking a break from work to celebrate Holi, either by using vacation time or negotiating with employers for time off.

However, many companies in India now recognize the importance of this festival and offer paid leave to employees. This has led to a growing movement of professionals who prioritize their cultural traditions and take time off work to celebrate Holi with their loved ones. However, as the festival approaches, many professionals struggle with creating a Holi out of office message that conveys their absence while still maintaining professionalism.

Fortunately, in this article there are several Holi out of office message examples that one can use as a reference to create their own personalized message. From funny and creative messages to heartfelt and professional ones, we have got you covered.

These messages not only inform colleagues and clients of one’s unavailability but also add a touch of festivity and warmth. From playful messages that incorporate Holi colors to heartfelt messages that express gratitude, there are numerous options for you to choose your Holi OOO Message depending on one’s preferences and work culture.

Brightly colored papers labeled with tasks scattered on a desk, while a calendar shows "Holi" marked as a holiday


Simple Holi Out of office message

Example 1: I’m currently out of the office celebrating the festival of Holi. I will have limited access to email during this time. If your matter is urgent, please contact Smith. Thank you for your understanding, and I wish you a colorful and joyous Holi!

Example 2: Happy Holi! I will be out of the office from March 2nd to March 5th, returning on March 6th. If you need immediate assistance, please contact Garry.

Example 3: Hello! I’m taking some time off to celebrate Holi, the festival of love and colors. Let’s reconnect when the festivities wind down. Happy Holi to you and your loved ones!


Funny Holi Out of office message

Example 1: I’m currently busy dodging colorful water balloons and getting drenched in Holi colors. I’ll be back in the office once I’ve successfully avoided all the mischief. Happy Holi!

Example 2: I’m taking a break to celebrate Holi, so if you need me, just look for the person covered in every color of the rainbow. I’ll be back in the office once I’ve scrubbed off all the colors. Happy Holi!

Example 3: I’m away from my desk, contemplating the physics of water balloons and the art of color coordination. If you need assistance, please wait until I’ve mastered these important skills. Happy Holi!

Example 4: Happy Holi! I’m currently away, conducting important research on the aerodynamics of Holi water balloons. If you need my help, please wait until I’ve calculated the optimal trajectory and returned to the office.

Example 5: Happy Holi! “I’m currently unavailable as I attempt to set the world record for the most Holi colors worn at once. If you have an urgent matter, please wait until I’ve achieved this colorful feat.

Example 6: I’m out of the office to partake in the Holi festivities, so if you need me, just look for the person with the brightest and most colorful outfit. I’ll be back in the office once I’ve finished spreading joy and colors. Happy Holi!

Example 7: I’m currently away from the office, reveling in the colorful festivities of Holi. While I’m off painting the town red, blue, green, and every other color imaginable, I won’t be available to respond to your messages until March 15.

Example 8: I’m taking a break from the daily grind to celebrate Holi, so please excuse any delays in my response. In the meantime, feel free to imagine me covered head to toe in bright colors and having the time of my life.


Professional Holi Out of office message

When crafting out of office messages for Holi, it is important to maintain a professional tone while still conveying the festive spirit. Here are some examples of professional Holi messages that can be used in various work settings:

Example 1:


I am out of office today to celebrate the festival of Holi with my family and friends. During this time, I will not be available to respond to emails or phone calls.

Please feel free to contact Yash for any urgent matters. I will respond to your message upon my return on 28th March 2024.

Thank you for your understanding.

Example 2:


I hope this message finds you well.

I wanted to let you know that I am out of the office till March 12th to celebrate Holi, a festival of colors and love celebrated by Hindus around the world.

During this time, my availability may be limited, but I will do my best to respond to your message as soon as possible. If you have any urgent matters, please contact Matthew.

Example 3:


I’m currently out of the office celebrating the vibrant festival of Holi, indulging in some colorful chaos and spreading joy.

During this time, I won’t be able to respond to emails or phone calls. I’ll be back in the office on March 21 and will catch up on all the serious stuff then.

If it’s an emergency, feel free to contact Shella. Wishing you a Holi filled with laughter, love, and a lot of messy fun!

Example 4


I’m currently out of the office, immersing myself in the festive fervor of Holi.

As I revel in the celebrations, I won’t be available to respond to your emails or calls until March 15. If you need immediate assistance, please contact Akash. Wishing you a Holi filled with laughter, love, and an abundance of happiness!

These were some examples of out of office messages for Holi. When it comes to crafting the perfect out of office message for Holi, there are a variety of approaches one can take. Some opt for a professional and polite tone, while others prefer a more friendly and informal approach.

Now let’s look at some interesting subject lines that you can use for your Holi OOO Message.


Subject lines for Holi Out of Office Message

  • Out to Splash Some Colors
  • Out of office: Celebrating Holi
  • Taking a Colorful Break for Holi
  • Holi-day Mode Activated
  • Away for Holi Celebrations



As you personalize your Holi Out of office message, remember that it’s an opportunity to share the joy and warmth of this special celebration with others.

Whether you choose to add a touch of humor, express heartfelt wishes, or simply convey your excitement for the festivities, let your message reflect your unique personality and the spirit of Holi.

As you immerse yourself in colorful celebrations with your loved ones, may your personalized message bring a smile to those who reach out to you. Here’s to a personalized out of office experience that truly captures the essence of Holi and spreads happiness wherever it goes!

By Atul

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